Monday, December 6, 2010


Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to really remember everything you are thankful for. I have alot to be thankful for that I don't realize everyday. I am so thankful for a wonderful life I have. I have a wonderful husband who truly loves me for me and understands me! I have a wonderful family and in-laws who I love so much! They are so supportive of me. I could go on and on and on,..but the point is that I am going to start to try and be thankful everyday and thank God for my life.

I was in a car accident in highschool and it was right before Thanksgiving, 1999. My eyes were opened to how easily life could be taken away from one day to the next. I need to live like this everyday! "Live everyday as if it was your last". I was also reminded of that years later.

So I want to thank everyone for being such a wonderful part of my life. Because of you my life is fullfilled :)

Justin's Tennessee Room

The little girl Tikki likes his UT room too!
Justin painted his orange ornaments too!

Justin has his own "man cave" downstairs. It has turned into a UT room. We both enjoy it! He also has his own Christmas tree too! :)